Giving Back in 2019


Giving Back in 2019

December 19, 2019

Each year, staff from the Bellevue headquarters of Paul Gauguin Cruises volunteer and donate to charities and support organizations. We hope to make a difference in our community by giving back and helping those in need.

For the eighth consecutive year, Paul Gauguin Cruises staff volunteered at Northwest Harvest—Washington’s statewide hunger relief agency. Our team packaged 1,225 pounds of Tree Top products, which provided 942 meals for needy families.

Staff from the Paul Gauguin Cruises’ Bellevue office volunteering at Northwest Harvest.  

Our staff also participated in the Holiday Adopt-A-Family program with Bellevue LifeSpring, a nonprofit organization, whose mission is to foster stability and self-sufficiency for Bellevue’s children and their families through programs that feed, clothe, and educate. The Paul Gauguin Cruises team sponsored a family and purchased clothes, shoes, home items, a bicycle with helmet, sports equipment, toys, and a gift card to a local grocery store to be used toward the family’s holiday meal.

Paul Gauguin Cruises donated gifts to the Bellevue LifeSpring Holiday Adopt-A-Family program.

For the past five years, Paul Gauguin Cruises has proudly supported Tourism Cares, the charitable arm of the travel and tourism industry. Tourism Cares is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that advances the travel industry’s social impact to help people and places thrive. The organization unites the travel and tourism industry to benefit the people and places our industry depends on.

We thank our employees who have volunteered and generously donated this year and also our travel partners who help those in need in our community. And we look forward to helping with initiatives to preserve and enrich travel experiences around the world again in 2020.