Holiday Helping


Holiday Helping

December 30, 2013

Each year, staff from the Bellevue office of Paul Gauguin Cruises volunteers and donates to local charities.

We held our annual food drive, collecting boxes of food for Northwest Harvest—Washington’s statewide hunger relief agency. The agency distributes food to area food banks, shelters, and meal programs.

One of the highlights this year was volunteering at Northwest Harvest this December.  Along with our President Diane Moore (first row, second from the right), employees sorted and packaged donated food.  

Together with other teams, we boxed 10,636 pounds of food, making 8,181 meals.

Our staff also participated again this year in Children’s Home Society of Washington Holiday Helper program, located at North Seattle Family Center (NSFC). Last year, the Holiday Helper program was able to help more than 300 families.

The Paul Gauguin Cruises team purchased and donated 56 toys/games, 21 articles of clothing, and $300 in cash and grocery store gift cards to NSFC for families in need.

We want to thank our employees who have volunteered and generously donated this holiday season to help those in need in our community.