Behind the Scenes Video and Photo Shoot on the m/s Paul Gauguin


Behind the Scenes Video and Photo Shoot on the m/s Paul Gauguin

September 15, 2016

By Monica Sagisi and Sarah Gardner

Monica Sagisi, Director of Marketing, and Sarah Gardner, Creative Director, with Paul Gauguin Cruises managed a photo-and-video shoot this summer aboard the 14-night Marquesas, Tuamotus & Society Islands voyage. Along with Monica and Sarah, the crew consisted of four models, a photographer and his assistant, a videographer, a stylist and her assistant, and a drone pilot team of two. Along for the project were several friends and family who acted as extras and assisted with some of the important, behind-the-scenes tasks associated with a photo-and-video shoot.

Shoot Preparation

Ideally, months of preparation go into planning a shoot of this breadth. However, space unexpectedly became available on a particular sailing—one that ventured to the highly coveted Marquesas Islands. We were overjoyed at the thought of capturing images and video in these islands since Paul Gauguin Cruises’ digital library for this mysterious and exotic land was fairly lacking. Though time was short, we weren’t going to pass up this opportunity to get amazing new assets so that we could show future guests this truly incredible part of the world through our eyes.

So there we were with just six weeks to pull this off. This is how it all transpired.

1.) We hired the photo/video crew.

On every photo shoot, this decision is based on the bid, the logistics, and what a photo/video team can bring to the table. The obvious choice for this particular shoot was the incredibly talented surf and lifestyle photographer Tim McKenna and his wife Stephanie, who assists Tim and acts as assistant photographer, stand-in model, and art director. The McKennas brought with them the effervescent Marco (videographer) and the charming duo Mike and Yannick of Tahiti Fly Shoot (drone team for aerial video and photography). One of many perks of this dream crew is that they all are local Tahitians and thus speak French and know the inner workings of the islands—very handy in French Polynesia.

2.) We cast the models and stylist team.

The star of our photo shoot is The Gauguin, the islands she frequents, and the experience she offers. Still, we need people to bring the scenery to life, and so models are imperative. We are lucky to have a small pool of incredibly nice (and easy-to-travel-with) models whom we’ve worked with in the past. Life during a shoot can be unpredictable and present certain challenges, so a personal recommendation from previously vetted models is golden. Once we had collected a small pool of talent, we solicited more information from each of them. Were they SCUBA certified? How did they feel about swimming with sharks and stingrays? Had they snorkeled before?

Luckily, the rapidly approaching departure date and the length of this particular shoot did not conflict with the schedules of the four extremely professional and, as it turns out, very fun models we selected. And it was important to us to focus not only on the romance of the destination, but also on the pure fun! It isn’t just couples you find on The Gauguin. On board, you encounter families, college buddies, “girlfriend trips,” and singles making new friends along with people from all around the world.

Our chic stylist and her dashing assistant shopped for the four models without ever having an opportunity to meet them in person—on such short notice, that is no easy feat. Would the scene have two of the models? Three? All four? It’s important that they not match too much, but we certainly didn’t want their clothing to clash. Every scene/set-up is a puzzle to put together. And managing a wardrobe of this size, making sure it gets transported back and forth without damage (or wrinkles!) is also not for the faint of heart. But we’ve worked with this duo before and knew that they would nail it.

3.) Monica arranged travel, the hotel, and cruise documents for the entire crew and communicated with the crew members.

Luckily, seven crew members lived in Tahiti, so that part was not too complicated: they just needed the necessary paperwork to secure staterooms on board. Oh, and an extra stateroom for their equipment and a place to store the Seabob (underwater jet-ski) during the cruise.

The rest of the crew hailed from Seattle, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and Chicago. Domestic travel and overnight hotels were booked. Our wonderful travel partners at Air Tahiti Nui ensured us that we had 10 seats with our names on them for a lovely traverse to Papeete, Tahiti. (Incidentally,only one movie and one cocktail past Hawaii!)

4.) Meanwhile, Sarah madly put together a shot list requiring daily contact with the stylist, the ship’s Captain, Hotel Director, Cruise Director, Travel Concierge, and Marina Supervisor.

A shot list is an itemized description of each set-up (photo and/or video) that you want to capture during the shoot. It is essential in determining details that affect lighting, timing, wardrobe, angle, artistic direction, and content. It describes who needs to be where and when, along with what they should be wearing. The shot list can be lengthy and ever-evolving. It also helps the crew determine the equipment used for the scenes. And it reminds us to request that a member of the ship’s friendly crew arrive at a certain place and time with a bottle of Champagne in hand or other props. Or that the Captain has approved use of the drone to take aerial photo/videography in a particular port.

5.) It was time to pack!

Sarah focused on purchasing props and clothes to fill in any gaps that we had identified in the wardrobe. An entire binder was filled with useful travel information, administrative tools, and storyboards (sketches that depict the sequence of the planned action). Her laptop and a hard drive went with her, but, surprisingly for a Creative Director, the only camera she brought was the one on her iPhone. We were on a photoshoot after all, and she would have plenty of pictures at the end of it. Sarah racked up a respectable five suitcases. Wardrobe and props take up quite a bit of room!

On the flip side, Monica shoots video and so she was busy getting her extensive camera and video equipment packed. When finished, she had a total of 5 cameras*. All batteries were charged, all accessories packed, and all SD cards were cleared and tested. With plenty of storage on her laptop and a 2TB hard drive for saving images, she was prepared for collecting her own footage during this shoot. Monica also brought requested equipment ordered by the Tahiti photo crew; all of this equipment only took up one carry-on: a trusty waterproof, hard-cased Pelican. Of course, she also had another suitcase with her clothes and gifts for the much-revered ship’s crew!

*For you camera enthusiasts, see a full list of equipment used during this shoot at the end of the blog.

6.) The day(s) arrived.

Late on a Saturday night, the U.S.-based members of the photo/video crew met before our flight to Tahiti, in the International Terminal at Los Angeles Airport—many of us meeting for the first time. This is one of our favorite parts of any shoot and serves to really generate excitement about the days and the work ahead in the magical setting of the South Pacific. Of course, there is always one straggling team member and often a mad-dash through the security line to keep us on our toes and kick-off the collection of stories that will accrue during the shoot. These stories become legends as the days unfold, and they create a shared experience that really allows us to laugh with (and at!) each other and to create our best work.

DAY 1: We arrived in paradise bleary-eyed from our overnight travel and were greeted at the port by Paul Gauguin Cruises’ Travel Concierge, Sorin. Though the ship had not fully disembarked from the previous week’s cruise, the ship’s crew had kindly prepared temporary staterooms for each of us so that we could catch some sleep and/or freshen up. Most of the crew had slept fine on the red-eye and opted to take advantage of the market (conveniently located across from the ship’s moorage) to take in the vibrant life, colorful fruit, fresh fish, pareos, and pearls for purchase. Monica even managed to spend some time with the Executive Chef as he conducted the fresh fish inspection at the loading dock:

Chef Stefan explained that all the fish for the ship is purchased locally—and only from fishermen on two-man boats. Since fishing with nets is prohibited in French Polynesia, the fish are caught with hook and line. When asked about the difference between hook-caught vs. net-caught, Chef Stefan explained that when a fish is captured in a net, it is already dead — possibly for days. Then, it is generally tossed and stacked 10-fish-high in a freezer, which severely bruises the meat. Hook-caught fish are captured alive and within 15 minutes wrapped in plastic and packed in loose ice, then brought to the ship the very next morning.

As for the inspection process, Chef Stefan unwrapped and physically examined each fish, checking for flesh color, errant hooks (he found one!), age (older fish don’t have ideal texture), and eye color. He also looked to see if the eyes were cloudy, which signifies that the fish lived in deeper water — the cloudiness a result of water pressure. Though he didn’t send any back on this particular day, he explained that he occasionally has to send one or two fish back due to lack of quality. He always examines the fish meticulously, and the fisherman he’s ordering from expect it. On the morning Monica joined him, the order included Wahoo, Mahi, Yellow Fin Tuna, Popoa (local Snapper), and one 110-pound Moonfish.

In the early afternoon Les Gauguines, the Hotel Director, and his savvy crew gathered at the gangway to greet the arriving us. We took the opportunity to snap a few shots of the models with this friendly bunch. Then The Gauguin’s new guests arrived, our ship mates for the next two weeks. These were some of the faces we would come to know and love over the duration of our adventure.

Then, the rest of our photo/video crew from Tahiti arrived, and there was a round of hugs as the Americans met the French/Polynesian part of the crew. The Seabob was stowed away in the marina, the drones and camera/video equipment safely stored in the equipment cabin.

Our Day-to-Day Adventure Began! While capturing her own video and photos, Monica also diligently recorded each day’s happenings in diary format while Sarah ran around making sure that she had something to record! Below you’ll find Monica’s daily accounts, with a bit of interjection by Sarah:

DAY 2: At Sea  |  We're at sea today, en route to Fakarava in the Tuamotus. We were excited about the snorkeling we would do the next day, so we headed down to the marina deck to pick up snorkel gear, which is complimentary for all guests throughout their cruise. There were three members of the marina staff fitting guests for gear. It was a good kick-off experience with plenty of laughs.

We fit in quite a few onboard experience shots today: the Moonfish carving with the Executive Chef, the Captain’s Welcome Reception, and the evening’s entertainment with Les Gauguines and Les Gauguins: “Tableau,” an homage to the art of Paul Gauguin—a musically and visually stunning show.

We ran into one of Les Gauguines, Teni from Huahine, in La Palette. She joined us for a quick chat, and we had to ask about her tattoos. One of the most eye-catching was a tattoo with three bands that represented three different Polynesian island groupings/cultures: Maori, Society Islands, and Marquesan—all part of her family history.

DAY 3: Fakarava, Tuamotus |  This unspoiled paradise is designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve because of the many rare species that call this island home—both above and under the water.

This morning we were up and at ’em bright and early! A small boat took us to the sheltered lagoon of Teahatea, where we caught footage of snorkeling. In the afternoon, we rented bicycles and rode around the island capturing some stunning island views. There was no shortage of historical and cultural sites to visit here—charming villages, ancient temples, and coral churches.

This was our first full day of shooting, and the crew really came together. You’d think a model would be impervious to the novelty of selfies—turns out, not so much. Sarah had to take the models’ cell phones away from them because it was selfie mayhem.

Our videographer Marco is one to watch. He seems to always be climbing on top of things and hiding in bushes, leading us to ponder if he led a past life as a paparazzi. The joke quickly became, instead of “Where’s Waldo?,” we’d ask “Where’s MARCO?” Sarah and I would compete to spot him first. We think this is a mark of a truly passionate videographer!

DAY 4: At Sea |  This morning's trip to La Palette was truly eye-opening. Bartender Hernie made an amazing fresh-squeezed juice from apples, carrots, beets, celery, and ginger. Hernie is a wealth of information on the health benefits of this one drink! He made us promise to come back for our daily dose, and Sarah snapped a few pictures for social media. (As a Creative Director, she’s a real Instagram fan).

After breakfast, we photographed “service shots” of two of The Gauguin’s butlers, Shernan and Abner, as well as stewardess Rahylyn. All were so enthusiastic and fun to work with. One of our male models is quite the ad-libber when it comes to chatting with the crew during these shoots. He had everyone laughing.

This afternoon, we caught photography of a special guest presentation in the Grand Salon. On this particular itinerary, special guest photographer Jesse Kalisher was sharing his insight and passion on the topic of photography (how à propos!). And following, we took pictures/video of his kids with the naturalist. We are so grateful to have had some children aboard whose parents allowed us to take footage of them participating in the onboard kids’ and family program.

Les Gauguines were everywhere today. We caught up with them on Deck 5, where they taught the guests and models to make tapa cloth and weave baskets. Later, they sang island tunes as we shot scenes on the pool deck.

Tonight, we had a dance party in La Palette with the models. This is always a tough shot to catch, but with a little help, the floor was filled with enthusiastic (off-duty) ship’s crew members who came up to help us capture this great experience on camera. This might turn out to be one of our personal highlights of the shoot. It’s heartwarming for us in the corporate office to get to spend time with the ship’s crew— especially when they are off duty.

DAY 5: Omoa, Fatu Hiva, Marquesas  |  Greetings from Fatu Hiva! (Note, we learned that you do not pronounce the “H” in “Hiva.”)  All green and lush vegetation with sheer, rocky landscapes, this is the most remote island of the inhabited Marquesas with only two villages, each of only about 300 people. We were greeted warmly with leis as we hopped off the tender in search of the 4 x 4 we'd lined up for our excursion from Omoa to Hanavave.

The weather could not have been more perfect. Hairpin turns, sweeping views, and forays through coconut groves led us to a challenging but short hike into a swimming hole framed with a beautiful waterfall where we got some great shots. This isn’t a hike for all our guests, but it shouldn’t be missed by the ones who want some active adventure.

Spotted along the way: flowers I'd never seen before, a mountain-side altar, a herd of goats running across the cliffs in the distance, and lovely mountain peaks—the highest one of them called "Tauauoho.”

We arrived Hanavave, a little village where kids were playing on the shore of the Bay of Virgins. Looming over us was a rock that resembled King Kong climbing a mountain. The locals call it "Motu Epa."

We returned to The Gauguin and hurried the models into a quick wardrobe change (from adventure clothes to evening wear) for some beautiful sunset sail-away shots. We are grateful for the good natured and timely nature of our entire crew! It’s tough to have so much fun in one day and look good doing it—well, at least, some of us look good doing it.

DAY 6: Atuona, Hiva Oa, Marquesas |  We’ve arrived on the island that Paul Gauguin made his home! We made sure to go visit his grave in the lovely little cemetery above Atuona when we finished our excursion for the day. While checking out the cemetery and village, we ran into the Captain, who was taking some off-duty time to visit one of his favorite ports on foot and Le Truck (free shuttle to cemetery and village). He was quick to share his insights and advice on what to do and see.

But first, we spent the morning capturing drone footage of Virgin Rock and taking a 4 x 4 tour from Atuona to Taaoa. This is where we caught up with the giant tikis—actually only about one or two feet taller than the tallest people in our group (the models, of course). The traverse to this sacred site was intense, and we talked about how perhaps we were experiencing the mana (spirit) of an ancient people.

We ended the day with an incredible performance by a local dance troupe on board. They shared their traditional dance, "Te Pua O Feani," with the guests. Words cannot describe how amazing this was. Singing, beating of drums, hip shaking, arm waving, and warrior-like incantations—it was beautiful and primal. And the kids...the cutest ever! The light was perfect, and we were able to get some great shots of the dance troupe. The gentlemen of Tahiti FlyShoot also captured aerials of the ship in the bay at the same time.

DAY 7: Hapatoni, Tahuata, Marquesas |  The seafront village of Hapatoni is beautiful with its tamanu trees shading an ancient, royal walkway and the air smelling of tiare and frangipani. The entire village came down to the pier to welcome us warmly with a music and dance performance. It was a welcome like none I've ever received before. We were greeted with songs, flower leis, and wooden horns. It set the precedent for an amazing day filled with hospitality at every turn. This was the one port in the Marquesas where we had decided not to do a tour, and, after going strong for so many days in a row, I think we were relieved to just relax and enjoy the very authentic, rustic environment. There was no shortage of imagery and experiences to capture on film, though!  

There are very few signs of the modern Western world here, just quiet dirt paths, friendly islanders, and a beautiful black-sand beach covered in shells. The market here is one of the best in French Polynesia with handicrafts, tikis, wood carvings and jewelry. The locals could not have been more accommodating—whether it was bargaining for tikis and handmade jewelry or letting us take pictures/video. (Side note: at one point the stylist asked if we’d be willing to let go of one of the sunglasses we had sourced for the shoot. She had just spotted one of the locals requesting to trade a carved-bone tiki for the “cool” shades one of the models had on his head. However, we had to decline the offer, since we needed those sunglasses for the rest of the shoot.)

The crew at the Travel Concierge desk had told us about a nice 30-minute hike up to a scenic overlook with a giant cross and altar. We were short on time and laden with equipment, so we opted to find a 4x4 truck to take us up through coconut groves, past banana trees and wildly colorful roosters to the base of the viewpoint. A short hike up, and we encountered a statue of Jesus and the most incredible vista—complete with a front-row seat to The Gauguin anchored in the bay. The whole experience was magical and dreamy, and we returned to the ship contentedly worn out and forever changed by this special island and its people.

DAY 8: Tiaohae, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas |  After Hapatoni, Nuku Hiva felt positively modern and populated in comparison. We took the tender over to the charming seafront village, which is the administrative, economic, educational, and health center of the Marquesas Islands. Sarah struck up an amiable conversation with a little girl, a local who spoke perfect English. It turned out her mother was our guide. During this journey in the Marquesas, we’ve learned that it is very helpful to know French, and/or do your research about sites, since English-speaking guides aren’t always plentiful.

Today’s 4x4 tour started with a stop above Taipaivee Valley. The views were stunning, and our guide explained the significance of the valley. Here we shot some video footage to create a cinemagraph with our guide. The image is completely still except for the gentle sway of her pareo blowing in the wind.

In search of the most dramatic landscape we could find, our drivers next took us to the beautiful bay of Hatiheu. This was what Sarah considered the most stunning landscape of the Marquesas. Our tour included baguette sandwiches, so we plopped down by the beach and watched the local children swimming in the waves. After sharing a bag of M&Ms that the Hotel Director had very kindly sent with us for the day, we caught the dramatic mountain peaks (a statue of Mary on one of them, thanks to the drone), the black-sand beach, and a lovely little beach-side church with both tiki and crosses to protect it. The Marquesas are rife with signs of this seemingly conflicting reverence for ancient customs and new religion.

We were short on time, but on the way back, we visited two fascinating archaeological sites: Hikokua, an ancient site used for dance and human sacrifice, and Kumuihei, which featured an enormous banyan tree. One thing we enjoyed spotting on the day’s adventure were the horses that inhabit the island—some domesticated and some wild.

DAY 9: At Sea |  Today, Les Gauguines were on deck serving up freshly chopped coconuts filled with ice-cold coconut water and juices. Bartender Elmo was on hand to facilitate, and we captured it all on film!

Earlier in the week, it was announced in Ia Orana (the ship’s daily newsletter) that there would be a boat-building competition to be judged on Day 9 at sea. The challenge: use materials that you find around the ship to make a miniature boat to be judged on “float-worthiness” in the pool. It’s been the talk of the ship, and it was so much fun to see it all come to a head. I’m pretty sure every guest was in attendance. Les Gauguines opened up the contest with a hardy poolside dance and chant. The contenders fell into two categories: kids and adults. Since nearly all of the boats stayed afloat, the winner was chosen by audience cheers. It was a tie between “Cork Tiki” and “Ready, Set, Go-Gone” (pronounced like “Gauguin”). So much energy and so much fun!

For the first time since this shoot started, Sarah and I took 30 minutes off! We chose to use it to play bingo in the piano bar with Les Gauguines. It was so much fun. Alas, when the game was over, it was back to the shoot, so we captured video/photography of Marius showing off his talents at the piano.

One of the highlights of every sailing is the evening show “Krew Capers,” and we were able to film some scenes from this tonight. It was so much fun to see the ship’s crew showing off their many talents!

DAY 10: Huahine, Society Islands |  We had the entire photo and video crew up early to capture a sunrise shot. This was tricky: the ship had to be in the perfect spot for the sun to hit a particular staircase for the exact shot we were going for. Thankfully Sarah and Tim had all the logistics worked out, and it turned out beautifully. What many people don’t realize is that sometimes when you’re waiting for a shot like this, there is a lengthy bout of just standing around and waiting, and then about two minutes of “Hurry! Hurry! The light is perfect!”

After our early morning shoot, never having dived before, some of the models took advantage of the onboard dive class. One of the dive instructors showed them the ropes, and they passed their exam with flying colors. It was also a great event to shoot since not many people know you can get certified right on board!

Later that afternoon we explored Huahine—stunningly beautiful with archaeological landmarks, blue-eyed eels, and white-sand beaches. Known as the “Garden Island” for its beautiful rainforests, dramatic terrain, and enchanting lagoon, it offered us something new to discover around every bend. Its marae are among the best preserved in French Polynesia. We ran into some new friends, from the ship, snorkeling at a remote beach in the afternoon, and they raved about the colorful sea life they had spotted.

DAY 11: Bora Bora, Society Islands |  Lush peaks, white-sand beaches, cerulean lagoons, and the iconic jagged, emerald-hued peaks of Mount Otemanu … this is Bora Bora.

Today, we focused on snorkeling and paddleboarding shots, using the drone for aerial shots and the Seabob for underwater footage. The Seabob has been customized by Tim McKenna and looks like a small underwater wave-runner, with a submarine-like bubble to house the cameras. Tim holds onto the machine, and it jets him along, his camera at the helm, for amazing underwater shots. The non-model portion of the crew thought it quite funny when someone forgot to let the snorkeling models know that Tim was coming at them underwater with the Seabob. This resulted in about 10 seconds of horror as a large black contraption came racing at them under the water—only to have Tim surface, all smiles.

At the private beach we captured footage of the models swimming, snorkeling, sunbathing, and paddleboarding. We always try to be sensitive about being in our guests’ way. Today (and all week long), the guests we have encountered have all expressed how much they were enjoying watching the shoot, how polite our crew is, and how they can’t wait to see the results so that they can share with their friends and family. This is very good news to Sarah and me!

The afternoon found Tim off shooting underwater with models Elke and Daryl as they took a diving excursion with marina supervisor, Clement. Meanwhile, models Jovanka and Harold (our designated “couple”) washed off the day’s sand and sunscreen to don evening wear for this evening’s sunset Blessing Ceremony in La Palette. After the Cruise Director and Les Gauguines performed this special ceremony for our guests, we recreated it for the camera. We caught the end of the sunset on Mount Otemanu, and the day felt complete.

Oh, but no. There was more to do! On overnights in Bora Bora, guests are able to book a special “Dinner on the Marina.” This is a wildly sought-after experience that is available for purchase that we had no footage of. The private dinner for two or four on the ship’s watersports marina, offers stunning views of Bora Bora, a dinner table dressed in white-linens, fresh flowers, china, and crystal and features a special multi-course La Veranda menu, wine pairings, and personal waiter. Though we were not overnighting in Bora on this particular itinerary, the ship’s crew was accommodating and set up the experience for us so we could capture it on film. Since it was Tahitian Night (an all-Polynesian celebration) on board, the multi-course dinner featured lobster with a saffron and vanilla sauce. The models were happy to nibble this delicious dish while we caught it all on film, complete with a photo-bombing catamaran doing a “sail-by” and blasting music, full of locals and tourists dancing their leis off.

DAY 12: Taha’a (Motu Mahana), Society Islands  |  Everybody’s Favorite Day! This private islet, off the coast of Taha’a, offers guests an entire day of relaxing or doing whatever they wish. The photoshoot crew caught it all: swimming, kayaking, and snorkeling in the calm, crystalline lagoon, savoring a delicious lunch barbecue, and sipping their favorite drink from a fresh coconut. We also made sure to get shots of Les Gauguines and Les Gauguins as they performed traditional songs and demonstrated Polynesian cultural activities. We threw in a game of beach volleyball and finished the afternoon off by capturing the oh-so-romantic vow renewal ceremony.

As far as sail-aways go, Taha’a offers some of the most eye-candy moments during the voyage—a quaint church along the shore, the silhouette of glorious Bora Bora in the distance, and tiny palm-fringed islets. As the sun set, the members of the photo shoot crew slowly arrived at La Palette. Tim captured the sunset with his camera, and we mingled with guests we’ve met over the previous days, swapping stories, sharing antics, and having plenty of laughs. We will be sad to see it all end on the last day: tomorrow.

DAY 13: Moorea, Society Islands |  Often likened to James Michener's mythical island of Bali Hai, this heart-shaped island is a stunner with spectacular vistas. Volcanic peaks, reflected in the waters of Cook's Bay and Opunohu Bay, rise like a shark's jaw above palm-tree-lined beaches.

Today, we reveled and played in Moorea’s much-revered blue lagoons. We swam with rays and sharks and spotted fish in the coral off of a small islet. We brought our own paddleboard, so that was in play as well.

Tonight, we caught up with Les Gauguines on the sundeck. We wanted just one more chance to shoot these beautiful and talented local islanders, since they have been very much a part of the guests’ (and our) experience during these past two weeks. They were lovely; we can’t wait to see how the shots/footage turned out.

The ship sailed into Papeete—only a short distance from Moorea—while I was finishing this blog. Time to head to our photoshoot crew dinner. This was the first time all of us would be at the same restaurant at the same time during this two-week adventure. I know that Sarah and I will miss this talented bunch. It would be hard not to feel closer to someone after the experience we just went through—and in the destination we just sailed. We’ve all promised to keep in touch and have already linked-up on social media. And of course, we’ll all have the pictures (and video) to remember it by!


Monica’s Gear:

Canon Rebel T5

Canon Powershot SX530

Fuji XP80 (For anyone looking for a small, waterproof, shockproof camera for your Gauguin voyage, this one is great and inexpensive)

2 GoPros


Tim McKenna & Tahiti Flyshoot’s Gear:



Seabob F5’s Underwater Scooter 

VIDEO:  Lumix GH4  Cameras with Nauticam Dive Housing

PHOTO: Subal dive housing with Nikon D800E body, Sea Sea Strobes and Zen Superdome 



VIDEO: P3 and P4  DJI Drones and Cameras

PHOTO: Lumix  GH1, GX8 bodies with Carbon Core Custom Made Drone


Above Water

Video: Lumix GH4 camera, DJI Osmo, Sony AX33

Photo: Nikon D5, D3X and D800E and Nikon Lenses 


Sunbounce Reflectors

Lite Panels

LED Lights