m/s Paul Gauguin

Shore Excursion Terms & Conditions

Please note that not all shore excursions are available on all sailings. Descriptions and pricing may vary.  Shore excursions will not be available for pre-booking until approximately 30 days prior to sailing (with the exception of the Romantic Escapades excursions) and can be added to your booking via the "Manage your trip" online tool. New tours, not previously listed for online sales, may be available onboard without prior notice. If you have questions please contact our Reservation Department at 1 (800) 848-6172 for assistance.

Once onboard, please refer to the tour descriptions for full details or consult with the Travel Concierge Team for further information.

Nakawaqa Waterfall & Rainforest
3 Hours - $115

Your day begins with a 40 to 50 minute drive along the cross island road to Nakawaqa Rainforest located on the northeastern part of Savusavu town. Guests are welcomed on arrival by the villagers and escorted to the waterfall following trails in the rainforest.

Please note the weather condition can change the activity level of the tour. Normally 30 minutes trek in the forest from and to the waterfall. If affected by rain, the trail may become slippery and the tour is recommended for guests with good physical condition.

Choose one of the three pools to have a dip or refreshing swim. Wainiliku Creek is surrounded by 200 acres of virgin tropical rainforest with huge indigenous trees and other species. The walk to the falls is under the shade of the forest canopy.Return to the waiting area for fruit refreshments and browse amongst the local village handicrafts before boarding the bus to return to Savusavu.

Please note: Wear shorts/skirts and Polo or T-shirts, something cool. Bring along your cameras and cash for those who may want to shop or purchase souvenirs.

Excursion Code:
Nukubalavu Village Tour
  •  Fijian Cultural Tour
3 Hours - $129

Experience the day-to-day life of Fijian people during a memorable visit to an authentic Fijian village. Journey along the scenic coast road to visit Nukubalavu Village, home of the paramount chief of Savusavu. Guests will be greeted by the village elders and invited to witness and participate in a kava ceremony where the powdered kava is mixed with water and presented by a'bilo' (coconut cup) to those who wish to taste this ceremonial drink. Following the ceremony the guide will take guests on a tour of the village to experience the warmth of the native Fijians. Guests may mingle with villagers and their children to learn more about their culture and witness traditional art craftwork. Finished craft work will be available for purchase, and guests are also invited to taste a traditional Fijian fresh green coconut juice before boarding the bus to return to the ship.

Please note: Guests are kindly asked to dress conservatively and mindfully of the Fijian culture, by avoiding wearing vests, skimpy tops, swim wear, short pants for ladies, and hats during the village tour. Please bring bottled water from the ship.

Excursion Code:
Savusavu Sightseeing
  • Enjoy a scenic drive through Fiji.
4 Hours - $115

Your first stop on this tour will be just outside of town at the factory of Copra Millers of Fiji - the leading manufacturer of coconut oil in Fiji. Witness the processing of Virgin coconut oil which is extracted from the coconut flesh with the minimal amount of processing i.e. no high heat or pressure and no harsh chemical solvents, bleaching agents, etc. The oil is completely unrefined to ensure it retains all the natural goodness of the coconut itself. There is a huge demand for coconut oil overseas and Malaysia and Taiwan are Fiji's biggest markets.

Re-board the bus and enjoy a leisurely scenic drive along the coastal picturesque Hibiscus Highway. En route, pass the renowned Namale Resort (owned by Anthony Robbins - motivational guru) and Oneva Estate, once a prosperous copra plantation which has now been developed into a residential subdivision and is home to many expatriate retirees. Pass coastal beaches and old coconut plantations before arriving at Vatudamu Community Hall for entertainment and refreshments by the local people.

Retrace your journey and return to Savusavu Town to visit the bubbling hot springs where locals cook their food wrapped in little cloth bundles or sacks. Return to the Copra Shed Marina to board the tender for transport back to the ship or relax with a cold drink and enjoy the band at the Marina Yacht Club.

Recommended Dress code: shorts/skirts and Polo or T-shirts, something cool. Bring along your cameras and Currency for those who may want to shop or purchase souvenirs. Includes fresh tropical fruit and bottled water.

Excursion Code:
SCUBA 1 Tank - Mystery Reef or Goldilocks
  • SCUBA diving tour in Savusavu, Fiji.
2 Hours - $135

Described by Jean-Michel Cousteau as the "Soft Coral Capital of the World," Fiji offers some of the world's best SCUBA diving, with a comprehensive range of excellent dive locations. Spectacular hard and soft corals; caves and grottos; amazingly diverse marine life that includes sharks, turtles, tuna, and fish of all hues and sizes; and internationally certified dive operators all ensure your dive experience will be a memorable one. You will be diving with the famous dive shop "L'aventure Jean-michel Cousteau", they will pick you up from the marina platform then you will go for a short boat ride about 15 minutes before diving into with wonderful underwater world. After your dive you will be transferred back to the marina platform.

This dive is handled by a local dive center and is suitable for advanced divers as well as certified divers with little experience.For more information about our dive program, visit www.pgcruises.com/scuba

Excursion Code:
SCUBA 2 Tank - Mystery Reef & Goldilocks
  • SCUBA diving in Savusavu, Fiji.
4 Hours - $215

Described by Jean-Michel Cousteau as the "Soft Coral Capital of the World," Fiji offers some of the world's best SCUBA diving, with a comprehensive range of excellent dive locations. Spectacular hard and soft corals; caves and grottos; amazingly diverse marine life that includes sharks, turtles, tuna, and fish of all hues and sizes; and internationally certified dive operators all ensure your dive experience will be a memorable one. You will be diving with the famous dive shop "L'aventure Jean-Michel Cousteau". You will meet at the marina platform where the outside contractor will pick you up.For your interval surface after your first dive you will be transferred to their dive shop, don't forget your money if you want to keep a "souvenir" of this wonderful experience.After your second dive you will be transferred directly back to the marina platfrom.

This dive is handled by a local dive center and is suitable for advanced divers as well as certified divers with little experience. For more information about our dive program, visit www.pgcruises.com/scuba

Price is subject to change.

Excursion Code:
SCUBA Dive - One Tank (Savusavu)
2 Hours - $120

Described by Jean-Michel Cousteau as the "Soft Coral Capital of the World," Fiji offers some of the world's best SCUBA diving, with a comprehensive range of excellent dive locations. Shortly after the ship's arrival, you'll be transferred to the Sonaisali Resort marina, focal point for 25 spectacular dive sites. Spectacular hard and soft corals; caves and grottos; amazingly diverse marine life that includes sharks, turtles, tuna, and fish of all hues and sizes; and internationally certified dive operators all ensure your dive experience will be a memorable one. For the underwater explorer and photographer, the crystal waters of Fiji's virgin reefs and magnificent lagoons very often offer unmatched visibility.

Available for onboard booking only, cannot pre-reserve, please visit the Dive Desk once onboard. For more information about our dive program, visit www.pgcruises.com/scuba

Excursion Code:
Snorkeling Tour
2 Hours - $117

At the edge of the reef which runs out from Savusavu Bay is a Lighthouse, which gives its name to the famed snorkeling site. Board either the "Island Fever" or the "Island Paradise" and take an enjoyable fast and scenic ride along the inside of the Bay to snorkel amongst beautiful coral and tropical fish in crystal-clear turquoise waters. Savusavu is home to some of the most vibrant and colorful coral in Fiji. There are numerous plate corals, soft spaghetti corals and fish, fish, fish….myriads of black and white sergeant fish as well as clownfish, orange and purple anthias, trumpet fish, pale green damsel fish, humpbacked wrasse and Maori wrasse. The scene takes on the appearance of a tropical aquarium as abundant small fish dart in and out of the striking coral. Giant clams, grouper and parrotfish are also commonly seen in and around the coral formations. Sea turtles frequent the Lighthouse so it is always a treat to see one or two. Occasionally a friendly white-tip reef shark will be seen.

Please note: Please bring your snorkel gear, beach towel and bottled water from the ship. Please wear your swim wear under yourclothes as there are no changing facilities on the boat.

Excursion Code:
Urata Waterfall Tour
  • Urata Village waterfall inSavusavu, Fiji.
3 Hours - $117

Enjoy a 30 minute scenic drive along the edge of Savusavu Bay passing the industrial area and Balaga Bay, (proposed site for the new wharf), to Urata Village (pronounced 'oo rartar') where you will be met by warriors who will escort you to the village meeting house to first meet the chief who will welcome you and grant permission to go to the waterfall.

Join the village guides who will take you on an easy 30 minute trek through the village plantations and rainforest to the waterfall and swimming holes. Enroute the guides will point out the different types of food crops growing in the plantations and explain the traditional use of herbal medicinal plants. Relax at the end of the trek in the shade of the rainforest and cool off in the icy cold fresh water pools then take a leisurely stroll back to the village where you will be entertained with singing and dancing by the villagers while waiting for your bus to return to the ship.

Please note: Guests are kindly asked to dress conservatively and mindfully of the Fijian culture, by avoiding wearing vests, skimpy tops, swim wear, short pants for ladies, and hats during the village tour. Please bring bottled water from the ship. Bring along your camera for photos and cash to purchase souvenirs. Those wishing to swim, please wear your swimwear and bring a beach towel from the ship. Tour is unsuitable for those with mobility problems.

Excursion Code:
Waisali Rain Forest & Reserve
  • Hardwood in Waisali Reservation in Savusavu, Fiji.
3.5 Hours - $123

The Waisali Reserve is one of the few remaining unexploited forests in Fiji and is the natural habitat for the native Fijian hardwood - some of the trees being over 100 years old. On the two hour forest trail engulfed by majestic trees you may be fortunate to see or hear the red breasted musk parrot or the beautiful orange dove -both endemic and rare bird species. The quiet serene is disturbed only by the occasional sound of the barking pigeon and moving stream water. Take time to rest in the bure beside the rock pool which is home to finfish species, eel, prawn and freshwater snails. The reserve freshwater fauna are unique so the pool is kept undisturbed and is not suitable for swimming. This tour involves uphill walking so good walking shoes are recommended.

Please note: Guests are encouraged to wear a hat, sunglasses, sun screen and comfortable walking shoes for this tour. Please bring bottled water from the ship. This tour is not recommended for guests with heart conditions, as this tour includes strenuous uphill and downhill walking.

Excursion Code: